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every和each的区别each和every的区别具体的 爱问知识人

every和each的区别each和every的区别具体的 爱问知识人

each 和every 的区别 具体的

each与every都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同,主要区别是:1。 each既可用 作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语 、状语等。Each student has his own dictionary 。
(形容词,定语)Each has his good point 。 (代词,主语)Our head teacher had a talk with each of us 。 (代词,宾语)The students each have a desk 。
(代词,同位语)The children can have a bag each 。 (副词,状语)2。 each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部。比较:I know each number of your family 。
I know every number of your family 。3。 each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物 的“全体”,与all的意思相近。试译:这条街上每边都有很多商店。[误]There are many shops on every side of the street 。
[正]There are many shops on each side of the street 。我给她父母每人 一件礼物。[误]I gave a present to every one of her par ents 。
[正]I gave a present to each of her parents 。4。 指上下文提到过的确定数目中的“每一个”时,要用each;如果上下文没有提及时,不能用each,要用everyone等。试译:我认为这三个答案个个都正确。
[误]I think every answer of the three is right 。[正]I think each of the three answers is right 。我看见人人都忙着工作。 [误]I saw each was bu sy with his work 。
[正]I saw everyone was busy with his work 。。